Manuel Cáceres
Manuel Cáceres

Postdoctoral Researcher

manuel.caceres AT


I am an HIIT Postdoctoral Fellow at Aalto University working with Professor Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak. Previously, I worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the group Combinatorics of Efficient Computations led by Parinya Chalermsook. Before that I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Helsinki working in the Graph Algorithms team led by Alexandru I. Tomescu. Previously, I was a Doctoral Student in the same group. My Doctoral Thesis is titled “Parameterized and Safe & Complete Graph Algorithms for Bioinformatics”. Before that, I was a Master Student from the Department of Computer Science at University of Chile. I worked under the supervision of Gonzalo Navarro. My thesis is titled “Compressed Suffix Trees for Repetitive Collections based on Block Trees”.

  • Graph Algorithms
  • String Algorithms
  • Paramaterized Algorithms
  • Algorithmic Bioinformatics
  • Compressed Data Structures
  • Approximation Algorithms
  • PhD. in Computer Science, 2023

    University of Helsinki

  • MSc. in Computer Science, 2019

    University of Chile

  • BSc. in Computer Science, 2016

    University of Chile

Featured Publications
Recent Publications
(2025). Maximum Coverage k-Antichains and Chains: A Greedy Approach. In arXiv.
(2024). Exploiting uniqueness: seed-chain-extend alignment on elastic founder graphs. In biorXiv.
(2024). Practical Minimum Path Cover. In SEA 2024.
(2024). Finding Maximal Exact Matches in Graphs. In AMB.
(2024). Width Helps and Hinders Splitting Flows. In TALG.